Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Acupuncture treatments for back pain, Solihull and Tamworth
Back pain relief and sacroiliac joint pain are our specialties with experienced practitioners treating back pain, neck pain and sacroiliac joint dysfunction.
Specialist Pain Relief
Backache and symptoms of trapped nerve such as sciatica are treated daily at our pain relief clinics. Our Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Acupuncture practitioners are available to assist your recovery and help relieve your symptoms of pain. Pregnancy discomfort and backache are treated safely at our clinic and can make your pregnancy bearable.
We have access to fast private MRI Scans and Musculo Skeletal Consultants should you require them and we are providers for most private health insurance companies. If you are a self funding patient you will not need a GP referral.
Physiotherapy from “hands on” Physiotherapists is available if you are waiting on a NHS waiting list or have been involved in a road traffic accident. Appointments can be arranged within 24 hours but often on the same day. We treat whiplash symptoms following road traffic accidents.
We treat painful conditions and provide pain relief for backache, back pain, sciatica, trapped nerves, headaches, bulging discs. We specialise in sacroiliitis which is pelvic pain in the sacroiliac joints often involving inflammation and have launched a new sacroiliac joint website.